Avoid Acne by Brushing Your Skin

Avoid Acne by Brushing Your Skin

Among the many pathways for waste removal, the skin is the biggest. Toxins that have made their way to the skin's surface from the bloodstream are expelled through the skin. Not all toxins exit the body through feces when the normal elimination channels are slow or partially blocked, like in a constipated colon.

If the gut walls are weak from chronic constipation or abuse from eating too much junk food, the accumulated toxins in the colon might leak into the bloodstream. After entering the bloodstream, they are sent to the liver for elimination.

Your liver will be overwhelmed and unable to eliminate all of the toxins in your colon if you suffer from constipation on a regular basis. The liver, along with other tissues, organs, cells, and skin in the body, will accumulate a significant amount of these toxins.

If your immune system is overwhelmed and unable to eliminate toxins, those toxins will make their way to the skin's surface via the bloodstream, where they will attempt to penetrate the hair follicles and eventually reach the skin's surface. When your pores aren't functioning correctly, acne can develop from an accumulation of contaminants.

When pollutants escape through the skin instead of the other elimination pathways, it can lead to unpleasant body odor.

Toxins can exit the body through cleansed pores without triggering breakouts as long as the skin is clean and the pores are not congested. In a typical day, your skin will expel around one to two pounds of harmful substances.

While your pores are open, it's easy to see. While working out, you perspire profusely. If you find that you perspire very little even when the temperature rises or when you exercise, it's likely because your pores are clogged.

Every day, either before or while you shower, brush your skin to keep it active and acting as an effective excretion channel.

Make sure to just brush in one direction as you wash your skin. Start at your feet and work your way up to your heart.

According to Loree Taylor Jordan, C.C.H., I.D., author of Detox For Life:

The practice of skin brushing is one of the best ways to improve your health and well-being. Massage of parched skin in the most luxurious of baths. Nothing can remove dead skin cells as effectively as the fresh skin that lies beneath the dead skin. At least once every twenty-four hours, your skin regenerates. To what extent the blood is pure determines the skin's cleanliness. Brushing across dry skin removes the outer layer. It aids in flushing out uric acid crystals, catarrh, and other acids. Every day, your skin should expel two pounds of acid waste.

To keep your skin clean, you must first understand how it lives. When you brush your skin every day, you draw impurities to the surface, where you can wash them away in the shower.

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