A Dissatisfied Stomach

 A Dissatisfied Stomach

Bowl inflammation is a common sign of many different disorders, however the exact nature of the inflammation varies from one condition to another. An intricate network of chemical and mechanical processes makes up the digestive system, an incredibly complicated organ in and of itself. Once food reaches the mouth, it interacts with saliva. From there, it travels to the stomach, where it encounters digestive enzymes and other substances. At this point, the team steps into action. As the meal and gastric secretions combine, they make their way into the small intestine, where other players join the fray. At this point, digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas and liver convert the complex carbs, lipids, and proteins into simpler forms that the small intestine can absorb: sugars, simple fats, and amino acids. Next up comes the large intestine, also known as the colon. Its job is to break down undigested food, fiber, and water. As it makes its way through the colon, the mixture is dried by the colon cells, which cause it to solidify and eventually transform into feces.

Inflammation is the root cause of inflammation-related disorders such inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn's disease, colitis, etc. When these disorders manifest, the body's inflammatory response—which is a normal reaction to harm—targets the digestive tract. This type of illness is known as auto-immune sickness. Your gut system can go wrong in just two places: with your flora or with your chemistry, or maybe both. All of these disorders are collectively referred to as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). There is currently no known therapeutic method for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Let's examine the potential problem locations in the intestines. Your body's chemistry will shift if the healthy bacteria in your gut aren't at an optimal level. The use of antibiotics is the leading cause of bacterial imbalance. Antibiotics are necessary in some cases to control infections, but they have the terrible side effect of changing the intestinal bacterial balance. It takes time for disease to establish in once the body's bacterial balance is compromised. In order to repair any harm it may meet, the body launches an inflammatory reaction that travels to the intestines. The inflammatory response starts attacking the intestines instead of the intended target—the lack of helpful bacteria—because it is unable to mend. Your chemistry starts to alter, and the foods you used to be able to eat are now your worst nightmare due to the worsening damage and low helpful bacterial level. The onset of symptoms associated with food intolerances or allergies is now occurring at a rapid pace. The inconvenient need to use the restroom anywhere from ten to twenty-five times daily makes this illness the most embarrassing and degrading of all time. Most affected are women, and it affects 1 in 5 persons. Any irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) condition is exacerbated by stress, and the more stressed out you are during the day, the worse your symptoms will be. If you've ever suffered from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you know how vulnerable your intestines are to harmful levels of stress, so it's crucial that you find a way to manage your stress levels so that they don't interfere with your healing process. Because of its stress-relieving and calming effects, many people find that yoga is an excellent way to unwind and relax. You may probably find a yoga class close by.

Traditional therapies are the most effective, but the medications your doctors prescribe come with a wide range of adverse effects that could make your condition worse. Fortunately, there are methods to take charge of your health. In order to alleviate this terrible disease, people need to try many various things. Because of its negative effects, medications only provide temporary relief; irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can last for years, and even if you manage to get better, you're still at high risk of experiencing recurrence. It is quite difficult to know what to do or how to identify the foods causing this problem when your body has developed an allergy to certain meals or food types—or even to a big number of foods. Traditional remedies based on herbs and fruits have shown promise; many have found that they aid in both short- and long-term healing. Many of these are available at health food stores in your area. As a preliminary step, you should try increasing your good bacteria population; acidophilus pills can help with this. If you're experiencing an imbalance in your small intestine, cat's claw can help restore good bacteria and put an end to intestinal dysbiosis. The term "probiotic" describes an organism that is often thought of as beneficial bacteria. They aid in the preservation of a healthy digestive tract when consumed. Intestinal infections can be managed with the use of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), a naturally occurring sulfur compound. Alternative options include Green Food Plus with MSM-A prepared product that provides the nutritious value of two pounds of raw veggies, supreme greens are abundant in antioxidants. Among the many additional substances are juice, marine silver, bee propolis, chlorophyl, and colustrum.

First, let's take a look at juicing. When your gastrointestinal tract is inflamed and not working properly, your body has problems processing the fibrous parts of most fruits and vegetables. However, by removing the fibrous parts of these essential foods through juicing, you can still get the antioxidants that are number two on your recovery list. To combat free radicals, you need to consume a lot of antioxidants daily. While molecules or atoms with an additional electron are antioxidants, those without an electron are free radicals. The harmful consequences of free radicals are everywhere; they are in the pollution of our air and water, in the processed foods we consume, and even in the drugs we take (hence the term "side effects"). While free radicals are swarming around our bodies, attempting to steal electrons from healthy cells, anti-oxidants will trade one extra electron for one, effectively stopping the attack. You should consume a significant amount of antioxidants daily now that you know how important they are. Though it may not seem like much in comparison to the roughly one billion free radicals that enter your body daily, the average fruit or vegetable contains between 1,000 and 1,500 anti-oxidants. It is vital to supplement with vitamins and minerals because they also contain antioxidants. Supplements lose their effectiveness the longer they are left on the body, thus it's important to look for new ones whenever possible.

Step three in your rehabilitation is managing chronic inflammation, so let's talk about that. Although free radicals are known to play a role in every disease and illness, chronic inflammation is also known to play a role in the great majority of these conditions. The silent killer is what scientists are referring to chronic inflammation as. Regardless of the cause, inflammation is the body's reaction to damage, stress, or illness where it seeks protection and healing. When our bodies are injured, inflammation kicks in to enlarge the capillaries so that white blood cells, which would otherwise be unable to enter, can start the healing process. In irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the body's inflammatory response becomes hostile and causes persistent inflammation rather than alleviating the problem. The COX 2 enzyme is the initial trigger for inflammation. COX 1 safeguards the stomach lining and maintains platelet activity, which is essential for blood clotting. COX 2 is a pain and inflammation generator. Inflammation causes brain tissue degradation, and COX 2 has been detected in brain and spinal cord cancers as well as Alzheimer's patients' brains.

The ideal option would be to find a natural food source that blocks COX 2—which causes inflammation and pain—without affecting COX 1, which is essential for maintaining the stomach lining and blood clotting.
For ages, people in Southeast Asia have consumed and utilized the mangosteen fruit for a wide variety of medical purposes. Researchers have been looking into mangosteen fruit for 20 years, and they've come to the same conclusion as the people of Southeast Asia: it has healing properties without any negative side effects. Mangosteens are great for lowering your body's COX 2 levels. As an anti-inflammatory, mangosteen can speed recovery and prevent inflammation from progressing to chronic disease. For what dosages does mangosteen work? In a nutshell, Xanthones. Only in nature can one find xanthones. Their potential medical uses have prompted extensive research. Xanthones help keep the immune system strong and the microbiome in check. Supercharged anti-oxidants known as xanthones are stable. Mangosteen fruit juice contains a natural anti-inflammatory xanthone, one of many xanthones that have many medicinal uses. Unlike traditional antioxidants, xanthones are able to neutralize many free radicals simultaneously thanks to their exceptionally persistent carbon bonds. Xanthones are unique among antioxidants in that they each have a distinct biological purpose within the body. Out of the 200 xanthones found in nature, 41 are found in mangosteen fruit alone; in comparison, the Aloe Vera plant contains just one xanthone. One thing to keep in mind regarding xanthones is that they are best ingested unprocessed.

The abundance of antioxidants in this fruit has also sparked interest among scientists. Incredible number of antioxidants found in mangosteen fruit juice: 25,000. This fruit has more antioxidants than any other natural food source, according to scientific research. Go to (pub \http://www.pubmed.gov> med at dot gov) and type in mangosteen to read all the studies. Thousands of people have found relief from medical conditions after drinking mangosteen juice.

Mangosteen fruit juice has great medical properties; to learn more, contact the toll-free number 1-888-374-4148 and listen to a message.
To review, you should take a natural anti-inflammatory, lower your stress levels, increase your levels of good bacteria, and eat a lot of antioxidants. Recovering from these crippling and humiliating disorders is possible with the help of all of the aforementioned.

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